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IPO Philippines Copyright Registration :

Organisation : Intellectual Property Office of the Philippine (IPO)
Facility Name : Copyright Registration
Country : Philippines
Website :

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What is Copyright?

Copyright is the legal protection extended to the owner of the rights in an original work. “Original work” refers to every production in the literary, scientific and artistic domain. Among the literary and artistic works enumerated in the IP Code includes books and other writings, musical works, films, paintings and other works, and computer programs. Copyright laws grant authors, artists and other creators automatic protection for their literary and artistic creations, from the moment they create it.

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Who Owns Copyright?

Generally, the author of the work holds the copyright to it but different rules may apply in the following situations:
** The work was created during and under the course of employment
** The employee owns the copyright if it was created
** The work is commissioned

The copyright belongs to different stakeholders in audiovisual works (producer, author of a scenario, music composer, film director, author of the work adapted into the audiovisual form) but subject to stipulations by the creators. In joint authorship,the co-authors are the copyright holders and in the absence of an agreement, rules of co-ownership applies ,except if the work’s parts can be used separately, and the corresponding authors can be identified in which case, each author has copyright over his own part.

Types of Rights Under Copyright

Economic – Rights that enable the author to earn from his work, and gives him control over the use of it, such as in its:
** Reproduction
** Transformation First public distribution
** Rental
** Public display
** Public performance
** Other communication to the public of the work.

Moral – Rights that govern the author’s connection to his work
** Right of Attribution
** Right of Alteration
** Right of Integrity (object to any prejudicial distortion)
** Right to restrain use of his name.

How To Register For Copyright?

** Download and fill out the BCRR Transaction Form
** Complete and send the requirements to
** In your email subject line, write “Request for Copyright Registration_ (Name of Applicant)”. Ex: Subject: Request for Copyright Registration_Juan dela Cruz
** Pay the fees online. Check your email for the E-Statement of Account (SOA) and pay the filing fees indicated therein. Send the proof of payment to BCRR via email.
** Receive the eCertificate of Copyright. Expect to receive the certificate via email or courier

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FAQ On Copyright Philippines

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Copyright Philippines

What are the limitations of copyright? (fair use)
Copyright protection is not intended to give the copyright owner absolute control over all possible exploitation of his work. The law provides for limitations (“statutory fair uses”) on the economic rights of authors comprising of acts which do not constitute copyright infringement even if done without the consent of the copyright holder.

These limitations are enumerated in the Intellectual Property Code, Law on Copyright Chapter VIII. What constitutes ‘fair use’ of a copyrighted work varies from case to case, as shown by decisions of the Supreme Court.

What constitutes copyright violation?
Copyright infringement occurs when there is a violation of the economic rights granted to the copyright owner, or to the owners of related rights. It may also consist in aiding or abetting such infringement.

Is there a copyright law on the internet?
Yes. The Philippines had acceded to the WIPO Copyright Treaty and WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (collectively known as the “WIPO Internet Treaties” in March 2002. The treaties entered into force here on October 4, 2002. The Internet Treaties were formulated to update and improve the protection afforded by the existing copyright treaties. They ensure that the copyright holders will continue to be protected when their works are disseminated through the Internet.

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