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SUSL SMART Online Reservation System Availability Checking Sri Lanka

Organisation : Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (SUSL)
Facility Name : Online Reservation System Availability Checking (SMART)
Applicable State/UT : Sri Lanka
Website :

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How To Check SUSL Reservation System Availability?

To Check SUSL Reservation System Availability Online, follow the below steps

Related / Similar Facility : SUSL Student Portal Registration

Step-1 : Go to the link
Step-2 : Select a Property
Step-3 : Click On “Check” Button

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1. Accessing the System:
The SMART Reservation System website is:

From this website, you can access reservation systems for various university facilities, including:
** Kabanas: These are small cottages available for faculty and staff to book for personal use.
** Dining Room: Allows booking tables at the university’s central dining hall.
** NEST: Used to book the university’s Nature Education and Sustainable Tourism (NEST) facility.
** Holiday Resort: For booking the university’s holiday resort located in Kosgama.

2. Checking Availability:
Each section on the website mentioned above has its own interface for checking availability and making reservations.

The specific steps might vary slightly, but generally, you’ll need to:
** Choose the facility you’re interested in (e.g., Kabanas).
** Select the date and time you want to book.
** Check for available slots.
** If available, proceed with the booking process, which might involve creating an account or logging in if you already have one.

What is SUSL SMART Reservation System?

The Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (SUSL) SMART Reservation System is an online platform that allows users to book and manage reservations for various university facilities and services.

Here’s a breakdown of the system:
What it offers:
** Variety of facilities: You can use the system to book facilities like kabanas (cottages), dining tables, the NEST center, and the holiday resort.
** Online booking: Check availability and make reservations directly through the website, eliminating the need for manual processes.
** Simplified management: Users can manage their bookings, view booking history, and cancel reservations as needed.

Who can use it:
The system caters to different user groups within SUSL, including:
** Faculty and staff: They can book kabanas for personal use and reserve tables at the dining hall.
** Students: While student access might be limited depending on the facility, they may be able to book spaces at the NEST center for activities.
** Guests: Some facilities like the holiday resort might allow public bookings.

Key features:
** User-friendly interface: The website is designed for easy navigation and booking management.
** Search and filter options: Find available slots based on your desired date, time, and facility.
** Real-time availability: See which slots are open and book instantly.
** Account management: Create an account to track your bookings and make future reservations more efficiently.

Overall, the SUSL SMART Reservation System aims to streamline the booking process for various university facilities, offering a convenient and accessible platform for both internal users and potential guests.

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