cert-covid19.moph.gov.qa Request Vaccination Certificate Qatar : Ministry of Public Health

Organisation : Ministry of Public Health
Facility Name : Request Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate
Country : Qatar
Website : https://cert-covid19.moph.gov.qa/Home/Index

MOPH COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate

The MOPH has approved Pfizer and BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use, as safe and effective. Qatar plans to provide the Covid-19 vaccine free of charge to all Qatar citizens and residents.

Related / Similar Service : MOPH Qatar COVID-19 Vaccine Registration

Certain population groups should receive the vaccine first because they are at higher risk. The three priority population groups are: older people, people with certain chronic conditions and key healthcare workers.

How To Download Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate?

** This service will enable you to view and download your Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate.
** In order to receive your Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate, you must have taken full course of the Covid-19 Vaccine as per the correct protocol and 7 days must have passed.
** In order to use this service, you will need to login using your National Authentication System (NAS) Tawtheeq username (usually the QID) and password.
** In case you did not use your QID, additional information will be requested to authenticate identification.

NAS Account:
** If you don’t have a NAS Account, you can create one on the following link : https://www.nas.gov.qa/self-service/

** If you forgot your NAS Account credentials, you can reset your password on the following link : https://www.nas.gov.qa/self-service/reset/personal?lang=en

COVID-19 Vaccine

Since the early days of the pandemic the Ministry of Public Health and key government partners have been working with several leading pharmaceutical companies around the world who are in the process of developing vaccines for COVID-19.

This proactive approach to securing a COVID-19 vaccine has proved very effective and two agreements with leading international pharmaceutical companies have been signed to procure their COVID-19 vaccines as soon as they are approved and released for global use.

The Pfizer and BioNTech, and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines have been approved for emergency use by the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Control in the Ministry of Public Health. Their review showed that the vaccines is safe and effective in accordance with international standards.

The MOPH approval of the Pfizer and BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines follows similar approvals in other countries including the United States and United Kingdom. The approval of the Pfizer and BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines means there is good reason to be optimistic that the COVID-19 vaccines can enable life to return to normal sooner rather than later.?

Due to the comprehensive measures put in place by Qatar’s government, Qatar has recorded one of the lowest COVID-19 mortality rates in the world. Yet despite this, the virus has negatively impacted the lives of almost everyone in the country.

Elderly relatives have been more isolated from their families; children’s education has been disrupted; large-scale events such as weddings, and sports and entertainment events have been postponed; and many expatriate residents have been unable to return to their home countries to see family and friends.

Despite the implementation of standard preventive measures, including masks, hand hygiene and social distancing, no country has been able to completely eradicate COVID-19.

The approval of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, with widespread uptake throughout the population, is the best hope of ending this pandemic and of life returning to normal.

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