fehd.gov.hk Apply for Composite Food Shop Licence : Hong Kong

Organization : Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Facility : Apply for Composite Food Shop Licence
Location : Hong Kong
Country : China

Website : www.fehd.gov.hk/english/index.html
Terms & Conditions : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/27425-CFSL.pdf

Composite Food Shop Licence :

We are pleased to state below our performance targets in respect of applications for Composite Food Shop Licences.

Related : Apply for Factory Canteen Licence Hong Kong Food & Environmental Hygiene Department : www.statusin.org/27420.html

Processing Steps :
** To conduct Site Inspection within 7 working days of acceptance of the application for further processing
** To issue Letter of Requirements for Provisional and / or Full Licence
** To issue Full Licence at the Licence Issuing Office

** To issue Provisional Licence
a) If the Certificate(s) are submitted to the Licence Issuing Office
b) If the Certificate(s) are submitted by post

Standard Response Time :
** within 7 working days upon receipt of acceptable Certificate(s) of Compliance with all relevant licensing requirements for the issue of Provisional Licence from the applicant

** within 7 working days upon receipt of confirmation from the departments concerned that the premises are suitable for licensing
** within 1 working day upon receipt of acceptable Certificate of Compliance with all health requirements for the issue of Full Licence from the applicant

** within 1 working day upon receipt of acceptabl Certificate(s) of Compliance with all relevant licensing requirements for the issue of Provisional Licence from the applicant

To help us serve you as we pledge, please
** submit your application form together with 3 copies of proposed layout plans. A self-declaration on compliance with Government lease conditions is also required for premises located in private buildings;

** do not revise the proposed layout plans unnecessarily once submitted;

** highlight proposed changes on the revised plans with colour pens and simple descriptions if revision is necessary. Otherwise, the revised plans will be rejected;

** inform us of your new correspondence address, contact telephone number and fax number should there be any changes; and
** quote your file reference number and leave your contact telephone number in your correspondence with us.

Related Post

Guidelines for Drawing a Proposed Layout Plan :
Under the licensing regime of a Composite Food Shop Licence, the applicant can choose to sell and / or prepare for sale of a variety of simple or ready-to-eat food10 in the licensed premises.

In this connection, the applicant should also note the following guidelines in drawing a proposed layout plan for application for a Composite Food Shop Licence.

(A) General
(i) The applicant is recommended to choose premises with adequate net floor area for the sale and / or preparation for sale of the food items he chose before submission of the application for a Composite Food Shop Licence.

(ii) The exact boundaries of the composite food shop should be clearly indicated on plan.
(iii) A customer standing space of minimum width of 600 mm and extending along the length of the food room should be provided in the premises.

(iv) For composite food shop located in premises (e.g. a supermarket, convenience store, etc.) of which the area is not wholly applied for a Composite Food Shop Licence, the to-be-licensed area of the composite food shop should be clearly demarcated on the layout plan.

In this connection, the businesses conducted in the areas other than the to-be-licensed area of the premises should be compatible with the composite food shop business.

(v) Food items to be sold and / or prepared for sale in each food room and / or food items to be sold at a place outside food room should be clearly indicated on the layout plan.

(vi) As only electricity is allowed to be used as fuel in a composite food shop, all heating / warming equipment should be probably labelled on the layout plan.

Location of Food Room :
In designing the location of food room(s), care should be taken to avoid placing them at locations where there are manholes and / or soil / waste-water / rain-water pipe. Any manhole situated inside any food room must be resited outside such food room.

Resiting of manhole is a drainage alteration which requires the approval from BD. Any soil / waste-water / rain-water pipe inside any food room shall be enclosed in pipe duct constructed of impervious rust-proof material to the satisfaction of the FEHD. Suitable openings shall be provided to such enclosure(s).

Sanitary Fitments :
Sanitary fitments for staff of the food premises shall be installed to a standard not less than that required by the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations, Cap. 123I.

Procedures of Processing Application for Composite Food Shop Licence :
The flow chart at Appendix E shows the procedures of processing an application for Composite Food Shop Licence and the contents of this part and Parts IV to VI are to describe the procedures in details.

Submission of Application :
Applicant should send the completed application form11 together with a declaration on compliance with Government lease conditions12 (applicable to premises located in private buildings) and three copies of the proposed layout plans as detailed in Part II to the relevant FEHD Licensing Office13.

Categories: Hong Kong
Tags: fehd.gov.hk
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