fehd.gov.hk Apply for Factory Canteen Licence Hong Kong : Food & Environmental Hygiene Department

Organization : Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Facility : Apply for Factory Canteen Licence
Location : Hong Kong
Country : China

Website : www.fehd.gov.hk/english/index.html
Terms & Conditions : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/27420-FC.pdf

FEHD Get Factory Canteen Licence

In accordance with the laws of Hong Kong, any person who intends to operate a factory canteen in the territory must obtain a factory canteen licence issued by the Licensing Authority before commencement of such business.

Related : Apply for Bakery Licence Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department : www.statusin.org/27416.html

Factory canteen means any food business in a factory building which involves the sale or supply of meals or unbottled non-alcoholic drinks other than Chinese herb tea for consumption on the premises by persons employed in any factory in that factory building.

Application Procedure :
Application should be made by submission of a standard application form (FEHB 94), a declaration on premises in compliance with Government lease conditions (FEHB 192), and 3 copies of a proposed layout plan of the premises (drawn to scale and in metric unit) to Assistant Secretary (Other Licences) of Licensing Office concerned (see Appendix I).

The standard forms are obtainable from all Licensing Offices and District Environmental Hygiene Offices and can be downloaded from the website of Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

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Preparation of Proposed Layout Plan :
Before preparation of the layout plan, the applicant is required to apportion the factory canteen for the proposed usage such as the locations of the kitchen, food preparation room and sanitary facilities.

In the proposed layout plan, the following particulars should be furnished :-
(a) space allocated to the cooking, preparation or handling of exposed food;
(b) space allocated to the storage of any kind of exposed food;

(c) space allocated to the serving of meals to customers;
(d) space allocated to the cleansing, sterilizing, drying or storage of utensils;
(e) sanitary fitments and drainage works;

(f) cloak rooms, passageways and open spaces;
(g) all means of exit, entry and internal circulation;
(h) all windows or ducts providing ventilation or mechanical means of ventilation, if installed;

(i) the siting of all furniture of a substantial and permanent nature, including food manufacturing or preparation plant, cooking ranges, sterilizers, dish-washing machine, refrigeration or cooling equipment and fixed sideboards, wash-hand basins or wash-up sinks, drying racks, water tanks; and

(j) means of refuse storage and disposal. The proposed layout plan may be prepared by the applicant himself or an architect employed by him.

Enquiry on Licensing Matters :
If the applicant has difficulty in understanding the licensing requirements imposed by the Licensing Authority or has any enquiries concerning licensing matters, he can approach the Licensing Inspector in charge of the application either in person or by telephone at the address and telephone number given in Appendix I.

Deadline for Compliance with Licensing Requirements :
The maximum period of time allowed for the applicant to comply with all licensing requirements is 6 months after the expiry of provisional licence or 12 months after the issue of the letter of requirements for a full licence in the case where application for a full licence is made or provisional licence is not issued, unless the applicant can demonstrate that the delay in meeting the licensing requirements is due to factors beyond his reasonable control. The application for a full licence will be deemed withdrawn after the above period of time.

Categories: Hong Kong
Tags: fehd.gov.hk
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