fehd.gov.hk How to Get a Milk Factory Licence : Hong Kong

Organization : Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Facility : How to Get a Milk Factory Licence
Location : Hong Kong
Country : China

Website : http://www.fehd.gov.hk/english/index.html
Terms & Conditions : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/26972-Milk-Factory.pdf

Get a Milk Factory Licence :

In accordance with the laws of Hong Kong, any person who intends to carry on the business of a milk factory for processing milk,

Related : How to Apply for Fresh Provision Shop Licence Hong Kong : www.statusin.org/26966.html

preparing reconstituted milk or milk beverages, or packaging milk at any premises in the territory must obtain a milk factory licence issued by the Licensing Authority before commencement of such business.

However, if milk is processed or reconstituted milk or milk beverages are prepared in a restaurant licensed under the Food Business Regulations, Cap. 132X for customers’ consumption on the premises, no separate milk factory licence is required.

Application Procedure :
Application should be made by submission of a standard application form (FEHB 94), a declaration on premises in compliance with Government lease conditions (FEHB 192), and 3 copies of a proposed layout plan of the premises (drawn to scale and in metric unit) to Assistant Secretary (Other Licences) of Licensing Office concerned (see Appendix I).

The standard forms are obtainable from all Licensing Offices and District Environmental Hygiene Offices and can be downloaded from the website of Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

The application should contain the following :
(a) the class of licence applied for;

(b) full address of the premises under application for a licence including name of the street, number of the premises, name of the building and the shop number etc to avoid postal misdelivery;

(c) the name, correspondence address and telephone number of the applicant; if the applicant is a corporation, the name and address of the corporation and the names and addresses of the managing director and authorized person;

(d) the type of fuel, if any, intended to be used; and
(e) whether ventilating system is to be installed in the factory; if so, the type and working capacity of such ventilating system.

The application must be signed by the applicant personally. A licence may be issued in the name of a person or a corporation.

Before the applicant receives a letter of licensing requirements from the Licensing Authority, he is advised not to start any work on decoration. He must also not start the business before obtaining the licence. Otherwise, he will be liable to prosecution.

Compliance with Government Lease Conditions and Statutory Plan Restrictions :
With effect from 18 April 2006, premises under application for Milk Factory Licence should comply with Government lease conditions and statutory plan restrictions.

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Applicants may refer to the “A Guide to Applicants/Licensees on Procedures of Applying for Issue and Transfer of Food Business Licences on

(i) Certification of Free of Unauthorized Building Works (UBW),
(ii) Compliance with Government Lease Conditions and
(iii) Compliance with Statutory Plan Restrictions” for details.

The said documents are obtainable from all Licensing Offices and District Environmental Hygiene Offices and can be downloaded from the website of Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

Main Requirements for the Issue of a Milk Factory Licence :
(A) Health Requirements :
1. Public mains water shall be laid on to the premises.

2. The internal surfaces of walls of every part of the premises in which milk is processed or packaged, shall be surfaced with smooth non-absorbent material or tiles up to a height of not less than two metres.

The junctions between the walls and floors shall be coved (i.e. rounded). All surface areas above the 2 metres level, and ceilings not tiled or imperviously surfaced shall be limewashed or painted.

The floor of every part of the premises in which milk is processed or packaged, shall be surfaced with smooth light coloured non-absorbent material.

3. Facilities in the toilets
(a) Water closets and flushed urinals shall be installed to a standard not less than that required by the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations, Cap.123I.

(b) The toilets shall not have direct access to areas where milk is processed or the equipment is cleaned.

4. Suitable wash-hand basin(s) shall be installed near the water closets or flushed urinals and in areas where milk is processed or the equipment is cleaned.

5. Suitable wash-up sink(s) shall be provided in areas where milk is processed or the equipment is cleaned.

6. Suitable equipment and facilities shall be provided for the cleansing and sterilization of all vessels, containers and utensils including heat treatment machinery liable to come into contact with milk.

7. Mechanical devices shall be installed to seal the milk containers with caps.
8. No soil-pipe, rain-water pipe or waste-pipe or manhole shall be allowed in areas where milk is processed or where the equipment is cleaned.

9. Areas in the factory allocated for processing or reconstituting milk shall be protected against dust and vermin.
10. A plant or apparatus of a type approved by the Licensing Authority for heat treatment of milk shall be provided.

11. Sufficient dustbins with close-fitting lids shall be provided for the storage of all refuse and other waste matter awaiting disposal.

12. Except for areas allocated for storage purpose, all parts of the premises shall be adequately ventilated by natural and/or mechanical means.

13. The premises shall be drained by connection to a Government sewer. (Note: This requirement is applicable to premises located in the New Territories and the outlying islands)

Categories: Hong Kong
Tags: fehd.gov.hk
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