hongkongpost.gov.hk How To Apply e-Cert Certificate : Hong Kong

Organisation : Hong Kong Post e-Cert
Facility : Apply e-Cert Certificate
Country : Hong Kong

Website : http://www.hongkongpost.gov.hk/product/ecert/apply/index.html
Download Form Here : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/26638-e-Cert.pdf

Apply e-Cert Certificate :

1. e-Cert (Personal) certificate :
** You can download the application form

Related : Hong Kong Post How To Revoke e-Cert : www.statusin.org/26645.html

** e-Cert (Personal) Application Form (CPos 798A);or e-Cert (Perosnal) with “Mutual Recognition” Status Application Form (CPos 798AMR)or get it at any one of our post offices and then submit the completed form in person with your original HKID card with appropriate application fees to any post office.

** You can apply your e-Cert (Personal) online. After the on-line registration, you are requested to go to the post office you selected to present your original HKID card to complete the authentication of your identity.

** If you are a Hang Seng Bank customer, you can use a specific e-Cert (Personal) application form to apply e-Cert (Personal) at designated Hang Seng Bank branches. The completed form should be submitted in person with your original HKID card and appropriate application fees (if any).

** You may read the application workflow (PDF Format) for more information.

2. e-Cert (Organisational) certificate :
** The Authorised Representative (“AR”) of the organisation can download the application form e-Cert (Organisational) Application Form (CPos 798F); e-Cert (Organisational) Application Form (CPos 798F) and Supplementary Application Form for e-Cert (Organisational) with AEOI Functions (CPos 798FA);or

** e-Cert (Organisational) with “Mutual Recognition” Status Application Form (CPos 798FMR) or get it(Note1) at any one of our post offices. and then submit the completed forms with the required documents (PDF Format) and appropriate application fees in person to any post office.

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** You may read the application workflow (PDF Format) for more information.
Note 1: The supplementary application form for e-Cert (Organisational) with AEOI Functions, CPos798FA is only available online for download.

3. e-Cert (Encipherment) certificate :
** The Authorised Representative (“AR”) of the organisation can download e-Cert (Organisational /Encipherment /Server) Application Form (CPos 798F) (PDF Format) or get it at any one of our post offices, and then submit the completed forms with the required documents (PDF Format) and appropriate application fees in person to any post office.
** You may read the application workflow (PDF Format) for more information.

4. e-Cert (Server) certificate :
** e-Cert (Server) with “Wildcard” feature and e-Cert (Server) with “Multi-domain” feature are available for application. For details, please refer to the relevant announcement.

** The Authorised Representative (“AR”) of the organisation can download e-Cert (Organisational /Encipherment /Server) Application Form (CPos 798F) (PDF Format) or get it at any one of our post offices, and then submit the completed forms with the required documents (PDF Format) and appropriate application fees in person to any post office.

** After receipt and approval of application, Hongkong Post will send a Certificate Signing Request (“CSR”) email to request AR to generate the CSR from the server concerned and upload it to Hongkong Post for further process of application.
i. Upload the Certificate Signing Request (“CSR”)
ii. You may read e-Cert (Server) User Guide for more information on the procedures of CSR upload.

** You may read the application workflow (PDF Format) for more information.

5. e-Cert (Organisational Role) certificate :
Currently, e-Cert (Organisational Role) certificates are offered to the Subscriber Organisation(s). The Authorised Representative (“AR”) of the Subscriber Organisation can download e-Cert (Organisational Role) Application Form or get it from the corresponding Registration Authority, and then submit the completed forms along with the required documents referred to in the application form to the corresponding Registration Authority.

6. Bank-Cert (Personal) certificate :
Applicants interested can refer to their respective Registration Banks for details.
7. Bank-Cert (Corporate) certificate :
Applicants interested can refer to their respective Registration Banks for details.

8. Bank-Cert (Bank) certificate :
A Bank-Cert (Bank) certificate is issued to a bank with a valid banking license issued under Section 16 of the Banking Ordinance. Authorised Representative (“AR”) can download the Application Form and then submit the completed forms along with the required documents referred to in the Application Form (CPos 798FB) to HKPCA.

Categories: Hong Kong
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