ntrca.teletalk.com.bd 12th Teachers’ Registration Exam 2015 Bangladesh : Ministry of Education Non-Government Certification Authority

Organization : Ministry of Education Non-Government Teachers’ Registration & Certification Authority (NTRCA)
Type of Facility : 12th Teachers’ Registration Exam 2015
Country: Bangladesh

Website : http://ntrca.teletalk.com.bd/home.php

12th Teachers’ Registration Exam :

Photo & Signature Validator :
Photo must be 300 X 300 pixel (width X height) and file size not more than 100 KB and Signature must be 300 X 80 pixel (width X height) and file size not more than 60 KB. Colour Photo is a must.

Related : Intermediate & Secondary Education Boards HSC Result Rescrutiny Program Bangladesh : www.statusin.org/26210.html

Black & White, Monochrome or Grayscale photo or any image other than photo will not be accepted. This application is capable to detect image with Facial Recognition. Please avoid to upload unacceptable photo.

For any inconvenience, please mail to ntrca2005 AT yahoo.com

Syllabus School Level :
English: 25
1. Completing sentences,
2. Translation from Bengali to English,
3. Change of parts of speech,
4. Right forms of verb,
5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word,
6. Transformation of sentences,
7. Synonyms and Antonyms,
8. Idioms and phrases.
1. Grammar:
a. Articles b. Parts of Speech c. Appropriate use of Preposition d. Subject verb agreement e. Linking verbs f. Main verbs and auxiliary verbs g. Right use of verbs h. Using correct form of adjectives i. Gerund, participle or infinitive.

a. Common confusion (its/ it’s, good/ well, fewer/less etc)
b. Narration
c. Voice
d. Correction
e. Trasformation of sentences
f. Phrases and idioms
g. Completing sentences
h. Joining sentences
i. Framing sentences expressing different attitudes/emotions

2. Cmposition:
a. Paragraph Writing
b. Letter/ Application Writing
c. Precise Writing/Amplification
d. Punctuation

3. Creative Writing:
a. Eassy Writing
b. Writing a report on a problem/investigation

4. Translation from Bangla to English

Exam Rules :
S. No., 189 – Act / 2006. – Gazetteer’s Code of Conduct and Regulation Act, 2005 (2005Act) The Code of Criminal Procedure, made in this chapter 21, constitutes the following :

1. Organized Tashidanam. – This decision will be taken from the date of receipt, acceptance and acceptance of the provisions of this Code, 2006.

2. Sankhya – Probationary or controversy does not interfere anything, in this system :
(A) “law” and “law and order” rules and regulations, 2005 (2005 law of law);

(B) “Statement” means the status and status of the information and information provided under the Code of Criminal Procedure;
(C) “Telegraph” or “Transcript” or “Certificate” or “third party”, or on the basis of acceptance, acceptance or acceptance of confidentiality, confidentiality or confidentiality;


About NTRCA:
Teachers are a key component of quality schooling. Pertinent here are teachers’ knowledge of subject matter as well as of teaching practices-curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, and their commitment to high student achievement. Teacher preparation and continuing professional development are both important in building teacher competence. Recruitment, training and retention of teachers, their conditions of work and remuneration, and social expectations of them are broad factors to consider.

Establishment of the NTRCA has ushered in optimism in the civil society that quality teachers would now find suitable places in the non-govt. educational institutions. The ultimate objective of the body is to ensure quality education by appointing quality teachers.

Contact address :
RedCricket Borak Tower, Level-04 and 05
37/3 / A, Eskaton Garden Road, Ramna, Dhaka – 1000
E-mail: ntrca2005 AT yahoo.com

Address :
6th Floor, Academic Building, Nayeem Campus, Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Phone: 0-55674210
Fax: 02-55674210
E-mail: ntrca2005 AT yahoo.com

Categories: Bangladesh
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