e-uprava Slovenia Ministry of Public Administration : Registration of Newborn Children

Organization : State Portal of Republic of Slovenia
Type of Facility :  Registration of Newborn Children
Country: Slovenia

Website : https://e-uprava.gov.si/en
Birth : https://infotujci.si/

Registration of Newborn Children :

Birth of a child:
During your stay in the Republic of Slovenia, it might happen that your family gets bigger and you welcome one or more new family members.

Related : e-uprava Slovenia Ministry of Public Administration Acquiring Citizenship : www.statusin.org/9567.html

In such a case, you should consult a doctor before this event in the settlement where you live. The doctor will give you all the information and advice you need. It is also important to know in which hospital you will experience this joyful moment

The birth of your child is entered into an official record – the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages – on the basis of the birth registration by the health organisation where the child was born (maternity hospital, hospital, etc.). The first copy (birth certificate) is issued ex officio by the administrative unit in the area where your child was born and sent to your address.

Provided that one of the child’s parents has permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia, you can exercise the right to a lump-sum benefit in cash intended for the purchase of equipment for a newborn baby. You can exercise the right 60 days before the envisaged date of birth and not later than 60 days after the birth of the child at the social work centre responsible with regard to the permanent residence of the parents.

Registration of newborn children:
When a child is born in a maternity hospital, the hospital registers the child’s birth. When a child is born in a household or outside health organization, the parents register the child’s birth.

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A birth of a child is registered in the Register of Births of the area where the child was born. When a child is born during a journey with means of transport, a birth of a child is registered in the Register of Births of the area where the mother’s journey ended.

In accordance with a concluded international agreement, the registrar forwards a copy from the Central Population Register to the Ministry competent for Foreign Affairs and competent foreign diplomatic and consular mission, respectively, within 3 days following the registration for the purposes of forwarding it to the country of which the registered child is citizen.

How to name a child?:
Parents choose a personal name for a child by common agreement. The child’s name must be registered with a registrar within 2 months following the child’s birth at the latest. Parents may choose several names for a child provided that they specify the name to be used in legal records. The name and surname used in legal records may individually consist of a maximum of 2 words. A child is given a surname of one parent or both parents, unless parents decide to give a child another surname.

How to arrange health insurance?:
Health insurance is compulsory and voluntary.

The health insurance institute under Health Care and Health Insurance Act is the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia. Voluntary health insurance is implemented by the Institute and other insurance companies.

A child is applied for health insurance by one of the parents. If the parents are employed, their employer files the application. If the parents themselves are insurance policy holders (e.g., sole traders, farmers …), they themselves file the application.

Insured persons are insurance policy holders and their family members. Insurance policy holders are also persons with a permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia receiving pension from a foreign insurance policy holder provided that the international agreement does not stipulate otherwise; persons with a permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia insured with a foreign insurance policy holder who cannot enforce rights of this title during their stay in the Republic of Slovenia; family members of a person insured with a foreign insurance policy holder who have a permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia and are not insured as family members with a foreign insurance policy holder; aliens pursuing education or advanced training in the Republic of Slovenia who are not insured at another title.

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