water.gov.taipei : Online Water Bill Inquiry

Organization : Taipei Water Department
Type of Facility : Online Water Bill Inquiry
Country: Taiwan

Website : http://english.water.gov.taipei/

Water Bill Inquiry:

Enter the Water Registration Number in the link given below for inquiry.

Related : Power Company Pay Your Electricity Bills Taiwan : www.statusin.org/9164.html

Check Here : http://english.water.gov.taipei/ct.asp?xItem=993937&CtNode=23931&mp=114012

District is 1 digit,
Sub-District is 2 digits,
Household No. is 6 digits,
Inspection No. is 1 digit

Where can I pay my water bill?:
You can pay it at the nearest banks and convenience stores in Taipei. Even without a water charges notice, you can do that at one of the TWD units indicated here. Except the methods given above, there are other payment methods. You can pay your water bills on-line via internet banking, ATM and Automatic Recurring Credit Card Payments using the most secure on-line payment system available.

What is the Basis for calculation of basic charges ?:
Based on (1) the standard basic charge of NT$34 monthly per household installed with a 13 mm water meter and (2) the pipe diameter equivalent value of all other sized meters, basic charges for all households are acquired by multiplying NT$34 by the equivalent values. Low-income households installed with 13 mm meters pay half of the standard basic charge, or NT$17.

Why does fluoride need to added in the water?:
No, we don’t do that. The decision is up to our public health authority. A small amount of fluoride (always less than 0.1mg/L) can be detected in the water. This is well below the MCL set by R.O.C. and other countries.

Why does the water look cloudy or like milk?:
Cloudy or milky water is usually due to air bubbles in the water. Distribution pipes carry water under pressure, meaning air is dissolved in the water. These bubbles make a glass of water appear cloudy, but they will slowly rise and disappear. Just stand the water for a while or stir it gently. It will clear up.

Why is there sand in my tap water?:
Main breaks and new main constructions in your neighborhood may bring sand into your tap water. In that case, the water is turbid. If the water is clear then the most probable source of sand is the filter media in the treatment plant. Flushing of the water pipes usually corrects the problem.

Where can I file my complaints about water quality?:
If you live in the Taipei Metropolis and have a concern regarding your tap water, please feel free to call us. Our telephone number is 8733-5683~90. We will answer your questions on the phone or make a field survey and examine the water quality for you. The service is free of charge.

How should I apply for payment of water bills with my bank or post-office account?:
Bring your latest water charges receipt, ID card, and seal to the bank or post office where you have opened an account, TWD Customer Service Center, or any of its district business offices and fill out an application form. Do the same if you want to terminate this arrangement.

Where should I file my application for initiation, suspension, and resumption of water supply ?:
At the Service Center or any of TWD’s district business offices. They are always ready to answer your inquiries and complaints about water supply and to provide advice and assistance you need.

What is Taipei Water Department’s Water Quality Monitoring System?:
TWD established its Automatic Water Quality Monitoring System in 1981 along with the initiation of the Safe Drinking Water Program. The system has enabled TWD to monitor the water quality in the raw water intakes, in the treatment process at purification plant, and in the distribution system. Consequently, it assures the quality of water supply and enhances TWD’s credibility.

We also take water samples from all water sources, Feitsui Reservoir, treatment plants, and consumers’ premises for analysis at our well-equipped laboratory. All test data prove that the water quality in Taipei is in good condition.

How do you disinfect the water in Taipei?:
Water can be disinfected in several ways. The most common and time-proven method is chlorination. Chlorine is not only a very effective disinfectant in the treatment process; the residual chlorine in the distribution system can provide continuous disinfecting effect in the process of distribution as well. The level of residual chlorine hence can be regarded as an excellent telltale for water quality monitoring. Ozone is a very effective disinfectant too. But it does not remain in the water for long after it is applied.

Where can I file my complaints about water quality?:
If you live in the Taipei Metropolis and have a concern regarding your tap water, please feel free to call us. Our telephone number is 8733-5683~90. We will answer your questions on the phone or make a field survey and examine the water quality for you. The service is free of charge.

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