rta.gov.et Licensing & Registration : Ethiopian Road Transport Authority

Organization : Ethiopian Road Transport Authority
Type of Facility : Licensing & Registration
Country: Ethiopia
Website : http://www.rta.gov.et/licencing.htm

Licensing & Registration

1. It licenses for entrant vehicles and registers, issue plates and a title certificate book.
2. It also facilitates the registration of vehicles and gives permit to transfer of ownership, change in the mode of transport, issues duplicate title certificate book, plates and other related documents.

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3. It produces vehicle plates and roads signs issues for the federal and regional transport bureaus.
4.It gives permit for for the conversion of mode of transport
5.Issuance of cross border special permit for drivers ,assistant drivers and heavy duty vehicles .
6.Issues guidance and directives condensing ownership registration and plate issuance to the regional governments.

N.B :
1.The federal Registration of vehicles and issue plates in drivers and mechanics training center in kaliti .
2.Accourding to the delegation given the regional registration is done in region head offices and zone cities.

Necessary Documents for importing vehicles :
1. New Vehicle importer companies and organizations :
** Application form
** importer license

2. 2nd hand vechiles:
** Application form
** Pro-forma
** Ownership book form abroad
** importer license

3. Investors:
** Application form
** Investment license
** Supporting letter from investment authority

4. For returns from abroad:
** Application form
** Supporting letter from the Foreign Minister or customs authority

5. For Embassy’s and those who have diplomat rights:
** Application form
** Letter from the embassy’s
** supporting letter from foreign minister

6. NGO’s and religions organizations:
** Application form
** Letter from the organization
** Letter from DPPC or concerned office

7. For those who come to Ethiopia from abroad by agreement or on contractual basis:
** Application form
** Letter from the organization
** Agreement made between Ethiopia and the related company

8. For students coming back from abroad after finishing scholarship:
** Application form
** Supporting letter from Ministry of Education

Road Safety Affairs :
Every year around 2000 people are killed due to road accident in the country. of these killed 48% are pedestrians 45% passengers and 7% drivers. It is estimated to be between 400 and 500 million birr annually. The fatality rate is around 136 per 10,000 vehicles , which is very high compared to the 2 to 3 fatality rates per 10,000 vehicles in countries with highly developed road safety activities.

The cost to the countries economy is also significant .
In order to reduce the road accident records of the country drastically a coordinated effort of the concerned organization is considered vital.

A national road safety committee has been established to facilitate and lead such concerted effort at national level. The objectives is to reduce the present road fatality rate to less than 60 fatalities per 10,000 vehicles in the next seven years time.

To achieve this goal a national road safety program has been designed based on the result of the study of the nations road accident underlying causes and solutions envisaged to facilitate this effort “Regional road safety committees” have also been established in all regions of the country.

Categories: Ethiopia
Tags: rta.gov.et
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