ICAN Students’ Scholarship Scheme Nigeria : Institute of Chartered Accountants

Name of the Organization : The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria
Type of Facility : ICAN Students’ Scholarship Scheme
Country : Nigeria

Website : http://icanig.org/ican/article.php?id=79

ICAN Students’ Scholarship Scheme :

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria was established by the Act of parliament No 15 of 1965 to set standards and regulate the practice of Accountancy in the Country.

Related : ICAN Institute of Chartered Accountants Check ATSWA Exam Result & Financial Status Nigeria : www.statusin.org/7888.html

The Governing Council of the Institute has observed with great pleasure that many brilliant students and graduates of tertiary institutions are desirous of becoming Chartered Accountants even when they did not offer Accounting/Accountancy as their main course of study.

It also observed that lack of information, finance and access to quality learning materials have discouraged some of the students from actualising their dreams. As an Institute that is always responsive to the yearnings of students, which is the primary source of its membership, it has established a Scholarship Scheme that covers Examinations fees, Study Packs and Tuition Fees to brilliant students and graduates of its accredited tertiary institutions thus enabling them to qualify as Chartered Accountants.

The scheme is broadly divided into 2 as follows:
(i)Graduates of ICAN Accredited Institutions and ATSWA Programme
(ii)Students taking the ATSWA Examination

Categories Of Scholarship:
Professional Examinations:
(A) Diamond :
The Diamond Scholarship is for First Class/Distinction graduates of Institutions with ICAN – Accredited Accounting programme, irrespective of the discipline or course of study.

(B) Gold :
The Gold scholarship is for the Best Graduating Student of an ICAN accredited Accounting/Accountancy programme.

(C) Silver:
The Silver scholarship is for the overall Best Student in the final level of ATSWA Examination.

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The ATSWA Scholarship is for the Best Student in year one of any ICAN – Accredited Accounting/Accountancy programme in tertiary institutions.

Conditions For Obtaining The Scholarship:
Professional Examination:
The conditions for obtaining the scholarship as a registered professional student are as listed below. The candidate:
1.Must be a first class/distinction graduate of any discipline in an ICAN accredited Institution OR
2.Must be the best graduating student of the Accounting programme of an ICAN tertiary Institution OR
3.Must be the best student in the final level of ATSWA examination.
4.Must be a registered professional student of the Institute.
5.Must have claimed required exemptions.

ATSWA Examination:
The conditions for obtaining the scholarship as a registered ATSWA student are as listed below. The candidate:
1.Must be the best student in year one of any ICAN accredited Accounting/Accountancy programme in tertiary institution.
2.Must be a registered ATSWA student of the Institute.
3.Must have claimed required exemptions.

Conditions For Discontinuing The Scholarship Scheme:
1.Complete failure at any level of the examinations will lead to outright forfeiture of the scholarship.
2.The scholarship will be terminated if you fail to complete any level of the examinations after two diets from the first attempt at that level.

How To Apply For The Scholarship Scheme:
The Candidate:
1.Must apply to the Registrar/Chief Executive of the Institute.
2.Must obtain a recommendation letter from the Head of Department of his/her institution.
3.Must show proof of studentship of ICAN i.e must have registered as an ICAN student.
4.Must show proof of exemption, where applicable.
5.Must obtain the recommendation of the ICAN District Society in his/her locality.
6.Acceptance of the terms and conditions of the scheme must be returned to the Institute within 14 days of the receipt of the letter.

Awardee’S Obligations To The Institute:
1.Must commence the ICAN professional examinations as proposed.
2.Must sit for at least one examination in a year.
3.Must promptly notify ICAN of each diet you intend to sit for.
4.Must exhibit commitment to the program; and
5.Will bear the cost of References, if any, at any level of the examinations.

Institute’S Obligation:
The scholarship shall cover Examination fees, Professional examinations study packs and tuition fees per beneficiary. The Institute will pay for each level of the examination ONLY once.

The Institute reserves the right to withdraw this scholarship in the event of your failure to carry out any of the above listed obligations or it is discovered that any of the information provided is found to be falsified.

For further information, please contact:
Rotimi A. Omotoso, FCA
Registrar/Chief Executive
ICAN Secretariat, Plot 16 Idowu Taylor Street
Victoria Island, Lagos
Tel: 01-7642294-5, 01- 2021688 (DL); 07098512615 (DL)
E-mail: info.ican AT ican.org.ng, studentsaffairs AT ican.org.ng

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Tags: icanig.org
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