Examination Results Online : University of South Africa UNISA

Name of the Organization : University of South Africa
Type of Facility : Examination Results
Country : South Africa

Website : http://www.unisa.ac.za/Default.asp?Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=17049

Examination Results :

Exam results are made available on following platforms:
Kindly forward the following message to the following MTN number:
083 1421 0119.
Results [space]+student number

Related :

University of South Africa National Student Financial Aid Scheme : https://www.statusin.org/7529.html

If there are results available, a SMS containing your results will be sent to you.

Register on myUnisa and indicate on your application if you would like to receive your results by email.

Voice response system (MTN):
Dial the following voice response system number:
083 1234

Hard copies of the examination results are mailed to each candidate after the official date of release/printing.

Please Note:
Confirmation: Completion of qualification: Please note that confirmation of completion of qualifications for students who wrote examinations in:
Jan/Feb 2014 will be made available as from the end of April 2014;
May/June 2014 will be made available as from the end of August 2014 and
Oct/Nov 2014 will be made available as from the end of Jan 2015.


** Final examination result letters will be printed and mailed to students on dates above.
** Final examination results are being released as they become available on the myUnisa web site and on the MTN (VRS).
** No results will be released to a candidate before he / she has returned all books borrowed from the University Library and settled any outstanding fees.
** No results will be given telephonically by academics or administrative staff .
** No timetables for supplementary exams will be made available if fees or library books are owed.

Assignment results:

Normal assignments:
Assignment results can be obtained by
logging into your myUnisa to view your results online OR
Enquire via email to the email address: assign AT unisa.ac.za (indicate your student number in the subject heading)

Related Post

Portfolio assignments:
As part of your assessment you may be asked to submit a Portfolio.
A portfolio can be part of your formative assessment, which means that your portfolio assignments are evaluated as part of your learning process and results will be available once marked,
part of your summative assessment, which is a final evaluation that takes place in the form of an assignment and no results will available until the examination results are made available.

Unisa payment methods and banking details :
For your convenience, we provide a variety of different payment methods. The following table details ways to pay, payment channels, plus refund and other information. In the case of electronic transfers, please ensure that the reference field is completed correctly. No cash or cheques will be accepted at any Unisa office. Cash can, however, be paid into the university’s bank account at any Standard Bank branch.

Debit cards :
** Debit card payments are only accepted if you pay or register in person at Unisa in Sunnyside / Florida or at one of the regional offices.

Credit cards :
** Credit cards are restricted to Visa and Mastercard. Credit card payments are accepted if you pay or register in person at Unisa in Sunnyside / Florida or at one of the regional offices. Please note that these are real-time transaction.

Please note :
** Library fines and accounts can now also be paid via this web payment link: www.unisa.ac.za/feepayment
** These are real-time transactions.

Postal orders, money orders :
** Postal orders and money orders should be made payable to Unisa. This method of payment will only be accepted if posted to the university.

Telegraphic money order (TMO) :
** Students must state surname, first names, address, student number (if known) and for what purpose the payment is made. The TMO must be addressed to “Unisa” Unisarand for delivery and payment by the Unisarand Post Office.

Contact Us:
Student Assessment Administration Directorate:
PO Box 392
Pretoria 0003
South Africa

Tel: 0861 670 411
Fax: +27 – (0)12 – 429 4150

E-mail Examinations:
General enquiries: exams AT unisa.ac.za
Remark applications: remark AT unisa.ac.za
Re-check applications: recheck AT unisa.ac.za
Applications for aegrotat and special examinations: aegrotats AT unisa.ac.za

E-mail Assignments: assign AT unisa.ac.za

Categories: Z-Crawled-Posts
Tags: unisa.ac.za

View Comments (4)

  • I am not accessing my May/June results. The system says I am owing the university. But true I had paid R3350 for modules. I took on 13-02-2016.

  • Are the results for January/February 2015 already out for Mokwena HP student no 05367751; id 6204225729081 The University promised to release the results today and we are anxiously awaiting for them

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