ntb.gov.kh TVET Technical & Vocational Education & Training Registration Cambodia : Ministry of Labour

Organization : Ministry of Labour & Vocational Training
Type of Facility : TVET Technical & Vocational Education & Training Registration
Country: Cambodia

Website : ntb [dot] gov [dot] kh
Download Forms : ntb [dot] gov [dot] kh

TVET Technical & Vocational Education & Training Registration:

Royal Decree 0105/003, dated 17 January 2005: The Royal Decree on the establishment of the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT) states in Article 2 that “MLVT has the authority to lead and manage the labour and vocational training sector in Cambodia”.

Related : National Employment Agency Job Seeker Registration Cambodia : www.statusin.org/7444.html

Sub-decree 052, dated 01 April 2005 on “The establishment and operation of Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT)”.

Circular 01, dated 8 February 2011 on “Improving Quality and Efficiency of TVET”

Prakas number 072/11 dated 24 March 2011 from MLVT on “Registration Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Institution”

Who Must Register:
All public TVET institutions under MLVT and other Ministries, as well as all private TVET institutions, whether operated by development partners, private entities, I/NGOs, which are offering short course and/or Long TVET courses on a regular basis.

Benefit Of Registration:
** Given official registration certificates.
** Academic awards – certificates, diplomas, and degrees will be recognized by MLVT, and can be used in whole country.
** Registered institutions can be eligible to be member of the National Training Board (NTB)
** Registered institutions will be eligible to participate in many formal TVET activities organized and/or sponsored by MLVT, including TVET workshops and seminars.
** Quality training will be ensured by Quality Assurance Mechanism which will improve employment opportunity.
** Registered institutions will be eligible to apply for various skills training fund schemes.
** Registered institutions will be a member of the National Association of Training
** Providers or Network and will be able to participate in its activities.
** Graduates of the officially recognized TVET institutions will have better employment prospective due to the official recognition of the academic awards and better quality of training.

Contact Office And Persons:
The office responsible for registration is Office of TVET Institutions Management under the Department of TVET Management (DTVET-M), DGTVET, MLVT.

Chief of Office Phone: 011 955 886 Deputy Chief of Office Phone: 012 734 165 Email: tvetregistered AT gmail.com

The registration packets are available at PDLVT or DTVETM, DGTVET, or can be downloaded from http://www.ntb.gov.kh/registration.htm

It is a legally mandatory requirement for all TVET institutions to register under MLVT.

Checklist of TVET Registration :
1. Administrative Documents :
1.1 Application form
1.2 Management structure
1.3 Operational plan
1.4 Current Certificate of Ownership of building/contract of lease (covering at least one years)

2. Curriculum And Program Delivery :
2.1 Training plan
2.2 Does curriculum fit to national standard? Labour market needs?
2.3 Does curriculum based on competency?

3. Physical resources, and equipment and tools :
3.1 Land size, building, workshop, laboratory, meeting rooms ….etc.
3.2 Workshop, and laboratory tools
3.3 Learning material
3.4 Library, books and document

4. Management, Teacher, and Staff :
4.1 List of management (enclosed with certificate and experiences)
4.2 List of teacher (enclosed with certificate and experiences)
4.3 List of staff (enclosed with certificate and experiences)

5. Internal Regulation :
5.1 Schedule of semester exam, final exam, and scoring of training evaluation
5.2 Condition in entrance exam and student selection
5.3 Regulation of student absence
5.4 Student management regulation and other regulation

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