cspensions.gov.ie Public Service Pension Ireland : Irish Civil Service Pensions Information Centre

Name of the Organization : Irish Civil Service Pensions Information Centre
Type of Facility : Public Service Pension
Country: Ireland

Website : http://www.cspensions.gov.ie/

Public Service Pension:

The Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012 became law on 28th July 2012 and introduced the new Single Public Service Pension Scheme (“Single Scheme”) which commenced with effect from 1st January 2013.

Related : Citizens Information Board Blind Pension Application Procedure Ireland : www.statusin.org/7161.html

All new entrants to pensionable public service employment on or after 1st January 2013 are, in general, members of the Single Scheme. The Act also introduced a number of changes for existing Civil Service Pension Scheme members.

Pensions Modeller:
Estimate your pensions benefits:
Please note that any estimates provided relate only to Established and Non-Established Civil Servants and Prison Officers who are not members of the new Single Public Service Pension Scheme (“Single Scheme”) which commenced with effect from 1st January 2013 and applies to new entrants recruited after this date.

The Pensions Modeller is designed to help you get an estimate of your projected pensions benefits based on your actual salary and service details supplied by you. It will on this basis estimate:
** pensions benefits at retirement for a selected retirement age
** spouses and children’s benefits
** death in service benefits
** preserved benefits if you resign before minimum retirement age
** actuarially reduced benefits before minimum retirement age

The calculators will not take into account salary increases between now and retirement.

Project different scenarios:
It also allows you to model various possibilities for example:
** you may enter a salary to reflect your projected progress on a payscale or career progression
** you can select your % work pattern from now to retirement date to take account of projected unpaid breaks such as career breaks or term time absence or a period of worksharing.
** you may compare the effect different retirement ages would have on your pension benefits

Please read the Disclaimer below. You may use the Pensions Modeller when you have indicated agreement to the Disclaimer by clicking the “I Agree” button. You will need to indicate agreement at the beginning of each new session.

The FAQs and Pensions Modeller do not attempt to cover all aspects of the Pensions Schemes but will help you to understand the main benefits of your scheme. If you are a scheme member and require further information you should contact the Personnel Unit of your Department which can help with any detailed questions you may have relating to your own personal circumstances. Detailed technical handbooks are available on this website.

The website covers the superannuation benefits of civil servants who are members of (1) the Superannuation Scheme for Established Civil Servants or (2) the Superannuation Scheme for Non-established State Employees. It does not cover the separate superannuation schemes for members of the Judiciary, Ministers, Dáil Deputies or Senators.

For a general overview of Civil Service superannuation arrangements click here

Further Queries:
If you have any further queries regarding your salary or pension, please contact the Personnel Unit in your Department.

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