Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) : New Zealand Ministry of Education

Name of the Organization : New Zealand Ministry of Education
Name of the scheme : Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS)
Country : New Zealand

Website : http://www.minedu.govt.nz/NZEducation/EducationPolicies/SpecialEducation/ServicesAndSupport/OngoingResourcingScheme.aspx

Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS):

The ORS is for students who will need the highest level of specialist input for all their school years. Once a student receives ORS, the funding stays with them throughout their time at school.

Related : New Zealand Ministry of Education Student Loan Scheme : www.statusin.org/6872.html

ORS is used for:
** specialists such as speech-language therapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, advisers on deaf children, special education advisors, orientation and mobility instructors and others
** additional/specialist teacher to work directly with a student and prepare resources for them
** paraprofessional (teacher’s aide) time to support the teacher to include the student in the class programme and activities
** ‘consumables’ funding for small items such as computer software, extra-size pens and pen grips, Braille machine paper, laminating pouches or CD/DVDs.

Who is eligible for ORS:
To be able to receive the ORS a student must meet one of nine criteria at either the very high or high needs level because of:
** ongoing extreme or severe difficulty with either learning, hearing, seeing, moving around or using language and social communication, or
** a combination of three ongoing moderate-to-high difficulties, one of which must be learning.

Applying for ORS:
The ORS Guidelines explain which students will meet the eligibility criteria, how to apply, and include the Application Forms.

ORS application forms : http://www.minedu.govt.nz/NZEducation/EducationPolicies/SpecialEducation/ServicesAndSupport/OngoingResourcingScheme/ApplyingforORS/ApplicationForms.aspx

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The ORS application process:
The application should provide a clear and accurate picture of the child’s special education needs.

To complete a form, an educator coordinates information from parents, specialists, teachers and others who know the child or student well. The information should be drawn from a wide range of ongoing assessments. An application may include information from an infrequent hearing, vision or medical report where it is directly relevant to the application.

The application is sent to the Ministry of Education’s Christchurch Office for consideration by a team of verifiers.

What happens after you apply for ORS:
Successful applications mean that eligible students receive ORS resources managed by fund-holders.

Successful ORS Applications:
Verifiers and the verification process

The verifiers:
Ministry of Education verifiers have experience in special education in the early childhood, primary and secondary sectors of education. Each verifier has additional qualifications in a particular area of expertise in special education.

Verifiers work to high professional standards. To ensure their impartiality when making independent decisions about eligibility, each verifier works from a separate location. They are responsible to the Manager Assurance and Eligibility.

The verification process:
The process usually takes three weeks from the time an application is received. Verifiers consider the information against each of the nine ORS criteria, applying them consistently regardless of where the child is to attend, or attends, school.
** Three verifiers independently consider each application.
** Each verifier records their independent decision. The three verifiers then discuss the application and make a unanimous decision.
** The verifiers record the consensus decision on a national database and advise the educator and the parents of the outcome of their application in writing.
** If the verifiers have insufficient information to reach a decision they ask the educator to provide additional information.
** The decision process is repeated with each verifier independently considering the additional information.
** If the three verifiers are unable to reach agreement the application is considered independently by the full panel of verifiers who take part in the decision process.

Categories: New Zealand
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