ema.gov.sg Electrical/Supply Installation Licence : Energy Market Authority of Singapore

Organisation : Energy Market Authority of Singapore
Facility Name : Electrical/Supply Installation Licence
Country : Singapore
Website : https://www.ema.gov.sg/regulations-licences/licences/electrical-supply-installation-licences

How to get EMA Electrical/Supply Installation Licence?

If you’re a consumer and want to apply for an electrical/supply installation licence, here’s what you need to know before getting started.

An electrical installation refer to any electrical wiring, fittings, or apparatus used to convey and control electricity in any premises. Electricity supply is drawn from the national power grid.

A supply installation is an electrical installation that draws electricity supply from generators used solely by the consumer.

A licensing scheme was introduced in 1975, requiring consumers to hold a licence to use certain types of electrical installations, such as:
** Non-domestic electrical installations with approved load exceeding 45kVA;
** Electrical installations used in hazardous trades (e.g. businesses dealing with highly flammable materials, construction work activities, etc.), regardless of approved load;
** Supply installations for non-domestic purposes, regardless of approved load.

However, the licensing scheme doesn’t apply to electrical and supply installations used exclusively for residential purposes.

To comply with licensing requirements, owners or users of such electrical installations must appoint a licensed electrical worker (LEW) of the appropriate class to take charge of their installations. These installations must be inspected regularly and certified fit for operation before use.

The appointed LEW will submit the electrical installation license application via EMA’s e-Licence Information Services (ELISE) portal on behalf of the consumer.

Required Documents for Electrical/Supply Installation Licence

The appointed LEW will need to submit the following information and documents for the licence application:
** Letter of Appointment (LOA)
** Valid electricity account with SP Services or electricity retailer for electrical supply to the electrical installation to be licensed
** Single-line drawings
** Supporting documents to show the party responsible for the maintenance of the incoming service cable
** Consent letter from the landlord’s LEW, confirming that the landlord’s installation is able to support the required load of the tenant’s installation (where applicable)
** Location plan of the electrical installation (for a new premises without an official address)
** Technical details of generator(s) in a supply installation (where applicable)

Licence Renewal Process :
EMA will notify you (the applicant) by post to renew your installation licence 6 weeks before it is due to expire. The notification will include a Letter of Appointment with a licence renewal reference number.

Your appointed LEW should log in to EMA’s e-Licence Information Services (ELISE) portal using the renewal reference number provided to retrieve the installation particulars. After conducting a safety inspection on your electrical installation, they can submit the licence renewal application on your behalf.

Roles and Responsibilities :
Licensee’s Roles and Responsibilities :
As the holder of an electrical installation licence, here’s what you need to do:
** Appoint a licensed electrical worker (LEW) of the appropriate class to take charge of your electrical installation.
** Ensure that your electrical installation is properly maintained as recommended by your appointed LEW.
** Inform your appointed LEW whenever you plan to make modifications to your electrical installation.
** Ensure that any electrical work is carried out only by a licensed electrical worker (LEW).
** Keep a copy of the updated single-line drawings at your electrical installation.
** Ensure that your electrical installation is inspected by your appointed LEW at the required frequency and keep a copy of the inspection report.
** Renew your electrical installation licence before it expires.

Licensed Electrical Worker’s Roles and Responsibilities :
Your appointed LEW is required to perform his duties as follows:
** Inspecting and testing your electrical installation to ensure it is safe for use. The inspection should cover the entire installation from the incoming supply to the fixed outlets or connection points, such as lightning points and switched socket-outlets.
** Gathering the necessary information to submit the license application to EMA on your behalf.
** Print and deliver the electrical installation license to you.
** Submitting inspection reports, maintenance reports, updated single-line drawings, and other relevant documents related to your electrical installation to EMA.
** Conducting any switching operations necessary for your electrical installation.
** Providing recommendations for servicing or maintenance work when needed.
** Updating any change of particulars on your electrical installation license as necessary.
** Providing advice on technical or licensing matters related to your electrical installation.

Categories: Singapore
Tags: ema.gov.sg
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