electoraloffice.gov.dm Voter Registration Dominica : Electoral Office

Name of the Organization : Electoral Office
Type of Facility : Voter Registration
Country : Dominica

Official Website : http://electoraloffice.gov.dm/registration-2

Voter Registration :

Who Can Register to Vote :
Qualified persons :
A person is qualified to be registered as an elector for a polling district if he/she :
** is a citizen of the Commonwealth of Dominica or
** is a citizen of member states of the Commonwealth of Nations who has resided in Dominica for a period of twelve (12) months immediately before the qualifying date; and

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** is eighteen (18) years of age or over;
** has resided in that polling district for a continuous period of at least three months immediately preceding the date of registration. The residence qualification does not apply to persons who have attained the age of eighteen years within the period of three months immediately preceding the date of registration.

A person can only be registered as an elector for one polling district at a time.

A person who is registered as an elector in a polling district but no longer resides in that polling district is qualified to be registered in that district until he/she becomes qualified to be registered as an elector in another polling district.

Disqualified persons :
A person is disqualified from being registered as an elector if he/she :
** is found or declared to be of unsound mind or a patient at an institution primarily for the reception and treatment of persons suffering from mental illness;
** is undergoing any sentence of imprisonment in Dominica;
** is under sentence of death imposed on him by a court in any part of the Commonwealth or under sentence of imprisonment exceeding twelve months which has not been served or been pardoned for;
** is disqualified by written law for registration as an elector.

When Can I Register to Vote :
Registration of voters is continuous – you can register to vote at any time.

The deadline for registration for inclusion in the election register is the day that the President issues the writ for holding of General Election. Persons registering after this date will be included on the election register for the next General Election.

How to Register to Vote :
Registration is required in order to vote at Council Elections or at Elections of Representatives of the House of Assembly (General Elections).

The following are the requirements for registration :
** Ensure that you are qualified to be registered
** Go to the Registering Officer or the Assistant Registering Officer in your Polling District with :
** A birth certificate, passport or other form of pictorial identification which shows your date of birth; and
** A witness (mother, father, brother, sister, friend, neighbor) who is already registered as an elector in the same Polling District for which you are applying for register.
** Complete a Notice of Claim form. The form must be signed by you and your witness.
** The Registering Officer or Assistant Registering Officer will give you an original Certificate of Application for Registration as proof that you have applied for registration.
** To verify that your name has been included on the voters’ list, go the Registering Officer or Assistant Registering Officer in your Polling District or check the list posted in your community.

Contact Us :
Address :
Electoral Office
Commission’s Building
Jewel Street

Email : electoraloffice@dominica.gov.dm
Phone : (767) 266 3336
Fax : (767) 448 3399

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