hec.gov.pk Prime Minister’s Electric Wheelchair Scheme : Higher Education Commission Pakistan

Organisation : Higher Education Commission
Facility/ Service Name : Prime Minister’s Electric Wheelchair Scheme
Applicable For : University Students
Country : Pakistan
Website : https://hec.gov.pk/english/services/students/wheelchair/Pages/default.aspx

HEC Prime Minister’s Electric Wheelchair Scheme

Prime Minister’s Electric Wheelchair Scheme for University Students.

Related / Similar Scheme :
HEC Pakistan Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Program


The main objective of the scheme is to facilitate special students having ambulatory disability, so that they can be assisted in their movements and contribute effectively towards the progress of the country.

Eligibility Criteria

** Special students of HEC recognized universities and degree awarding institutions of Pakistan and AJ&K, requiring ambulatory assistance.
** Valid Certificate of special ambulatory need from relevant government institution duly verified by head of the respective institution

How to Apply?

Step by step guide to submit Prime Minister Wheel Chair Distribution Scheme form

1. Create your profile online by visiting the link eportal.hec.gov.pk and login to your account

2. First of all the applicant must go to the profile tab and fill out the following screens
** My Profile (Profile picture is also mandatory in this tab)
** Contact Details
** Educational Details

3. After creating profile, the applicant needs to click the “scholarships and grants” tab and then go to Prime Minister Wheel Chair Distribution Scheme.

4. Click on the Application Form. Fill out all the screens and submit the online application form after carefully reading the instructions.

Related Post

After successful submission of application form you will receive a reference number on your screen. You must note that reference number for future correspondence till completion of the admission process.

Benefits of Scheme

Intangible Benefits :
The scheme will create an awareness in the youth that government’s intent is to support each segment of the society and it will also support in increased access to Higher Education as well.

Social benefits with indicators :
The scheme would provide respectability and on campus ease of movement to the beneficiary students in the universities by providing an equal opportunity and access to education.

Students coming from mediocre backgrounds would be benefited through this scheme since due to the high price of motorized wheel chair, it is quite difficult for a family to purchase an electric wheelchair.

Employment Generation :
The students who would be provided with the wheelchairs would be facilitated to achieve their education and hence would be playing an important role in the socio-economic development of the country afterwards.

Though the employment would mostly be dependent upon their academic competencies and compatibility to the job requirements, yet an assistance in terms of mobility would be facilitated through the wheelchairs.


1. How to check the status of application?
The status of application can be seen on the dashboard screen.

2. If you have forgotten the password or don’t have access to your primary email on which the verification code is being sent
Please send us an email at ihkhan [AT] hec.gov.pk with the copy of your original CNIC and we will reset your email.

3. I haven’t done SSC, so what should I write in SSC in educational details
If you haven’t done SSC, then write same details in SSC as you have written in HSSC in educational details tab.

4. Upload error, Error Retrieving documents, Document creation error, contact server administrator error
Please wait for 15 minutes before retrying. If the problem persists please clear your browser cache or change your browser. If the issue persists for more than 1 hour; please drop us an email at ihkhan [AT] hec.gov.pk

5. I am getting an error “The maximum age criteria does not meet” What should I do?
Please read the given instructions on the HEC website, the age criteria is mentioned over there.

Categories: Pakistan
Tags: hec.gov.pk
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