ejustice.gov.ae Search Lawyer : Ministry of Justice UAE

Organization : Ministry of Justice
Facility : Search Lawyer
Applicable For : Individuals
Country : United Arab Emirates
Website : https://www.moj.gov.ae/en/home.aspx

Ministry of Justice Search Lawyer

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FAQs for Lawyers

What are the documents requested to be registered as a trainee lawyer?
Our client can view all documents requested from the website of the Ministry of Justice moj.gov.ae and download the form required to be filled, and then send the request to the Ministry of Justice attached to documents.

Why the certificate shall be equivalent from the Ministry of Higher Education if the certificate was issued by an accredited university?
The equation shall be conducted in accordance with article no. 6 of Regulating Legal Profession Law No. 23 of 1991; provided that whoever registers his name in the table of employed or unemployed lawyers shall be hold a degree in law from one of the universities, institutions of higher education, or an equivalent thereto. Moreover, the equation shall be made if issued from outside the state.

I am a citizen graduate of Islamic Studies, do I, or a graduate of Islamic Law have the right to register as a lawyer?
The graduate of Islamic Studies or Islamic Law shall not be entitled to be registered as a lawyer but required to be a holder of a degree in law or Sharia to be registered as a lawyer.

I am a national lawyer, I got a job in a local department with an attractive salary, and I left my job as a lawyer and joined the new job, but I did not give a notice to the Ministry of Justice, what should I do?
You should submit a request of a registration transfer to the unemployed table, the separation between the profession of law and consulting.

How can I as a legal national graduate obtain a license from a legal consulting firm?
You can open a firm for advocacy and legal consulting, and it could not be separated between advocacy and legal consulting.

From where a lawyer or legal translator can get forms of enrollment, renewal and transfer thereof?
You can get all types of forms in pertaining to Lawyers and Translators Affairs Department from Ministry of Justice’s website moj.gov.ae, Service Center in Abu Dhabi/ Dubai.

Why does Ministry of Justice refuse to renew for lawyers and translators for a period of three years like other governmental departments?
Renewing for three years is deemed violation to Emirati Law Regulating the Legal Profession no. 23/ 1991. Meanwhile, Emirati Law Regulating Translation no. 6/ 2012 permits renewing enrollment for three years.

Strategic Goals

** Establish knowledge of innovation at the environment of institutional work.
** Ensure the submission of administrative services in accordance with the standards of quality, efficiency and transparency.
** Facilitating the customer’s mission to reach justice & support the partnership of the Ministry on local and international level and extend legal acknowledge.
** Build modern penal system that help to keep the security and personal rights.
** Support the specialized judiciary that based on knowledge and institutional distinction that ensure independence and improvement.
** Contribute in laws and legislations preparation that satisfy society needs and match changes & prospect the future.

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