NIC Domain Name Registration Saudi Arabia

Organization : SaudiNIC National Information Center
Facility : Domain Name Registration
Country : Saudi Arabia
Website : http://www.nic.sa/en/view/sapr100

NIC SA Domain Name Registration

Domain names registration is one of the main services offered by SaudiNIC, it defines the procedure and the steps needed to register a domain name under the Saudi ccTLDs

Related : General Authority of Zakat & Tax VAT Registration Saudi Arabia : www.statusin.org/41824.html

All users requesting this service implicitly confirm their understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions detailed in the Domain names Registration Regulations published in SaudiNIC’s website, Applying for this service does not mean that the account holder is eligible for the domain, eligibility is only determined after processing any request .

This service can only be started from the users accounts, the account holder must first sign up for an account in SaudiNIC website, that can be done by following the Steps for creating an account.

After doing so and successfully activating the account, account holders can start the steps of this service.


To follow is a listing of domain registration steps :
1. Filling up the domain registration form
2. Uploading the documents
3. Hosting check
4. Review the request
5. Administrative Contact approval
6. Processing the request by SaudiNIC

Fill up Domain Registration Form

The first step in registering a domain name is to fill up the service form. In that form the account holder will fill in the requested domain and the registrant information along with the domain contacts information, also he/she will fill in the DNS hosting information, the form must be filed correctly and all errors must be corrected prior to submission.

After successfully submitting the form, others ( temporarily ) will not be able to request the registration of the same domain.

Upload Documents

Registering a domain name requires the account holder to upload some documents, they are used to support the request and to provide a proof for the registrants right to register the requested domain and proof the accuracy of his/her information.

Usually the required documents are :
** The registration letter, which is a pre-filed letter obtained from the account page and used to request the registration, it should be signed and stamped and then uploaded to the account again.
** Other documents used to provide a proof for the relation between the registrant and the domain requested (for example Commercial registry, trade mark certificates … etc).

Submitting those documents is done by uploading them directly by the account holder using a special form, the documents must be uploaded in the proper electronic format, allowed formats are (png- jpg – gif – Tiff – PDF version 1.4 and earlier ) .

Hosting Check

The requested domain name must be hosted correctly, the domain hosting will be checked automatically. If the result is only warning, then the account holder and the Administrative Contact will be informed about that and the request will move to the next step.

However, if the result contains a major error then the request will not pass this step. The account holder will be given the chance to correct the problem and verify the hosting using any tool similar to the hosting check tool provided in SaudiNIC website.

Review the Request

All the information in the request are displayed to the account holder in order to review them and confirm their accuracy and correctness, he/she can modify or even delete the request at this stage if needed .

Administrative Contact Approval

The Adminstrative Contact must approve the request , a link to the request information form will be sent to his/her email address, he/she will be asked to approve the request, send his/her comments to the account holder or if needed he/she can reject the request entirely.

Account holder must coordinate with the Administrative Contact regarding this step and ensure that he/she have all the needed information to be able to take his/her decision .
Notice : An Activation cod will be sent to the Administrative mobile in order to view the details of request.

Processing the Request

After successfully completing all the previous steps the request is officially considered to be received by SaudiNIC. After that the processing procedure will start.

The results of processing the request will be one of the following :
** if all the information are correct and the registrant is eligible, the domain will be registered and concerned parties are notified.

** if the request is rejected, concerned parties are notified and the account holder will be given for one time only ( a three days chance) to apply again while stopping others from requesting the registration of the same domain .

Notes :
** In the case of request cancellation, all the concerned parties are notified, and the domain name will be available for registration by anyone.
** In case Administrative Contact did not receive the activation message, the account holder can request resending it again.

** The request is only considered to be received by SaudiNIC after the Administrative Contact approves it, otherwise it will not be considered to be received and will remains pending.
** Pending requests are rejected automatically after one week.
** All the correspondence regarding the request are sent to the account holder and the Administrative Contact.

Categories: Saudi Arabia
Tags: nic.sa
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