gov.ai National Policy For Older Person : Anguilla

Organization : Government of Anguilla
Facility : National Policy For Older Person
Country : Anguilla
Website : http://www.gov.ai/department.php?id=2&dept=42
Terms & Conditions : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/30240-NationalPolicy.pdf

National Policy For Older Person :

1.1 The Study Of Ageing :
According to the University of Alaska Anchorage, Gerontology is the study of the ageing process as individuals mature from middle age through later life.

Related : British Overseas Territory Apply for Anguilla BOTC Passport : www.statusin.org/30180.html

It includes the study of physical, mental, emotional, and social changes in adults as they age. Gerontology investigates changes in society that result from an aging population and applies this knowledge to policies and programmes.

This field is multidisciplinary and the study of aging combines and/or integrates information from academic and applied areas of study.

1.2 Theories Of Ageing :
There is no single cause for ageing and it is a matter of intense research and debate. Several theories have been postulated.

These are categorised in two ways; firstly that we are programmed (Pre-Programmed Theory) to die at a certain cellular level; our cells can only divide up to a certain number of times.

Secondly, cells die as a result of accumulation of toxic materials and mutations and hence undergo senescence (Free Radical Damage Theory). The latter is a prominent theory as to why we age

1.3 International Principles For Older Persons :
On consultation of documentation from the International Federation on Ageing, international principles for older persons were outlined as follows : In 1982 the United Nations General Assembly through resolution 37/51 endorsed the International Plan of Action on Ageing that was adopted by the World Assembly on Ageing.

This was followed in 1990 by the International Federation on Ageing (IFA) Declaration of Rights and Responsibilities of Older Persons.

The endorsement of its predecessors developed into the United Nations Principles for Older Persons adopted by the UN General Assembly resolution 46/91 of 16 December 1991.

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The United Nations Principles for Older Persons encourages Governments to incorporate the following principles into their national programmes whenever possible :
** Independence
** Participation
** Care
** Self-fulfilment
** Dignity

Road Safety :
This was of major concern. The groups felt that it was not safe for them to walk on the road as vehicles speed on with no regard for pedestrians; ‘drivers are making the road their personal race track.’

Access to Water :
The majority of persons thought that their water bills were too high compared with their usage and the frequent and inconvenient stoppages in the water supply. In addition some persons just could not afford to have a water connection.

For those persons there is heavy reliance on their cisterns or their neighbour’s water supply and bottled water. Most thought that the solution would be to bring back standpipes in the various villages.

This would ensure that people had access to water, some indicated that walking to the standpipe and carrying the water would be beneficial exercise. In addition measures can be put in place to deter vandalism/water wastage.

Access to Medical Care :
Across the board the groups felt that medical care was too costly (the consultation fees, the medication bills, the medical test fees, and hospitalization fees).

Some persons sited sacrificing medical care and filling prescriptions as they could not afford it, due to gross price increases and their unemployed status. Other issues included substitute medications, waiting time to see the doctor and the lack of proper shelter, ramps, and signs at the health centres.

The point was raised that despite the cost savings to the Health Authority of Anguilla in stocking generic/substitute medications patients are suffering. These medications may have many side effects and may not usually manage the patient’s illness as well as the genuine medication.

There was a suggestion that a health centre should have a kitchen so that tea and sandwiches could be served to diabetic and hypertensive patients who have to wait too long.

Also that a proper shelter from rain be built at all clinics so that early arrivals can be comfortable and at least not get wet.

Categories: Anguilla
Tags: gov.ai
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