nhibahamas.gov.bs Enrol Online : National Health Insurance

Organization : National Health Insurance
Facility : Enrol Online
Country : Bahamas
Website : http://www.nhibahamas.gov.bs/
Register Here : http://nhipublic.azurewebsites.net/

Enrol Online :

The information that you will provide is for the purposes of determining your eligibility for the National Health Insurance (NHI) Programme facilitating enrolment and for purposes connected with the NHI Programme.

Related : Apply for a Passport Appointment Bahamas : www.statusin.org/29074.html

Enrolment will require the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) to request data and/or information from the National Insurance Board (NIB) using the National Insurance Number provided in your application.

By checking “Accept” you agree to the NHIA requesting data and/or information from NIB for the purposes of determining your eligibility for the National Health Insurance (NHI) Programme, facilitating enrolment and for purposes connected with the NHI Programme and further you are providing your consent to NIB for NIB to release the information unto NHIA.

The information received will be treated as strictly confidential and the NHIA will fully comply with the respective data privacy laws and policies. The information you provide during enrolment is needed to document your enrolment in the National Health Insurance Programme.

The principal use of this information will be to :
** Identify your enrolment in the Programme;
** Verify your eligibility for health benefits services, and
** Coordinate payment of claims for benefits rendered under the Programme.

Please review the disclaimer above. You must check “Accept” before you can proceed. If you have any questions or disagree with the above, contact NHI Bahamas at info [AT] nhibahamas.gov.bs.

Dependent Declaration :
This section is for you to declare yourself as either a dependent (as defined by the National Insurance Board) or as a parent/guardian filling out this form on behalf of your dependent.

If you are either a dependent or a parent/guardian filling out this application on behalf of your dependent, please select “Yes” below. If not, please select “No”.

Applicant’s Personal Information :
Please enter the below details,
1. National Insurance Number – This must be a number that is 8 digits long

2. Confirm National Insurance Number – This must be a number that is 8 digits long and matches the National Insurance number entered in the previous field

3. Date of Birth – YYYY-MM-DD
4. Gender
5. First Name – Enter name exactly as it appears on applicant’s NIB Smart Card

6. Middle Name – Enter name exactly as it appears on applicant’s NIB Smart Card
7. Last Name – Enter name exactly as it appears on applicant’s NIB Smart Card
8. Island of Residence

FAQs :
1. What is NHI Bahamas?
NHI Bahamas is a new national health insurance programme for The Bahamas introduced by Government. NHI Bahamas will make our health care system more modern, affordable and accessible.

The new programme ensures that all legal Bahamian residents – no matter your income, age, island of residence or current health status – can receive health care at no out of pocket cost at point of service. Cost for health care is paid for in full or in part, by Government

2. Why does the country need National Health Insurance?
Improving the health care system will lead to a more modern and prosperous Bahamas. We must improve access and affordability of quality health care for our people.

Currently, approximately 70% of Bahamians do not have health insurance, meaning they may have to pay for health services out of their own pockets.

An average Bahamian household spends approximately $2,300 per year on health care, which is something many people cannot afford. Not being able to afford health care can result in illness and even death.

Severe illness can be prevented often with a simple visit to the doctor, health education, and preventive activities. Modernizing our current health care system is essential to improving the health of our population.

3. Do I have to pay for NHI Bahamas?
In the first phase of NHI Bahamas, all Primary Care services outlined in the benefit’s package here will be provided to you at no out of pocket cost at the time you access the services.

4. Is NHI Bahamas available to everyone?
Yes, NHI Bahamas is available to all legal residents of The Bahamas.

Categories: Z-Crawled-Posts

View Comments (1)

  • I registered with NHI in Freeport the first part of last year. I haven't heard anything from you all. Can you please help?

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