Obtain Birth, Death Certificate Bangladesh : United Hospital

Organization : United Hospital Limited
Facility : Obtain Birth, Death Certificate
Country : Bangladesh
Website : http://uhlbd.com/

Obtain Birth, Death Certificate

Birth Certificate :
Birth certificate request form should be filled up by the parents (mother/father). Birth certificate will be issued after three days of request and mother/father can collect the birth certificate from medical records department, in case of absence of parents need proper authorization letter.

Related / Similar Service : BRIS Online Bangladesh

Duplicate Birth Certificate need GD entry from local thana, application and charge BDT 500 . Amendment / correction of Birth Certificate need original copy of Birth Certificate, Application and Charge BDT 500

Death Certificate :
Duplicate Copy of death certificate :
** Application (Attention: CAS-Chief Ancillary Service) and applicant should be that person who had received the death certificate first
** GD Entry from Local Thana

** National ID / Passport copy of applicant
** National ID / Passport copy of deceased
** Charges BDT 1500

Amendment / Correction Copy of death certificate :
** Handover the original copy of death certificate
** Application and applicant should be that person who had received the death certificate first
** National ID / Passport copy of applicant.

** National ID / Passport copy of deceased.
** Charges 1500 taka.

Blood Bank :
The Blood Bank of United Hospital Limited is a Government licensed blood bank established in 2006. Located in the ground floor of this hospital, it aims to provide patients with the safest possible blood, equivalent to any international standard.

All donations received in the blood bank are voluntary non-remunerated. All necessary safety measures are taken for both the donors and the recipients including performing the mandatory screening tests for infectious diseases.

This blood bank is enriched with one Consultant, one Specialist, four Senior House Officers, and thirteen Medical Lab Technologists.

All the following blood components are available in this blood bank :
** Whole blood
** Red cell concentrate (PRBC)
** Washed red cells

** Fresh frozen plasma (FFP)
** Pooled platelet concentrate
** Apheresis platelet concentrate

** Cryoprecipitate
** Granulocyte concentrate by apheresis.

** Committed to deliver high quality and safe blood products, our blood banking and transfusion services are available round the clock seven days a week.

Frequently Ask Questions : (FAQs)
1. How do I make an Appointment?
To make appointment for Consultation with our Consultants who sit in our Out-patient Departments, please call our hotline 10666 from any phone anywhere in the country or you can call in our Appointment Desk landline (02)9852466; you can call in these numbers to make appointment for any investigations or procedures as well.

2. Do you have Consultants available in United Hospital for 24 hours?
In out-patient department, to provide Consultation services, our Consultants are available from 7am till 9pm on weekdays (Saturday to Thursday); of course the time varies from Consultant to Consultant; in Friday as well we have few Consultants sitting their OPD.

To know details as per your choice of Consultant, please call in our hotline number 10666 from any phone anywhere in the country or you can call in our Appointment Desk landline (02)9852466

3. Do you have any telephone facilities for the patients who are admitted in your hospital?
Yes, we have telephone facilities for admitted patients only for some specific room categories

4. What are the phone numbers of your hospital for one should call during Emergency?
To avail our emergency facility and ambulance service, please call in the following numbers:
Emergency Hotline (from any phone anywhere in the country): 10666
Ambulance:  01914 001234

5. Who can I call for assistance in the hospital during odd hours or on holidays?
For enquiries within the hospital during odd hours and on holidays, please call our Duty Manager at 01914001399.

For any enquiry about any clinical condition of any admitted patient, please call Clinical Coordinators at 01914001310 who are available in the hospital 24/7; they are doctors and they can answer your queries about any admitted patient

Contact Address :
United Hospital
plot 15, Road 71, Gulshan
Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh

Chittagong Info Center :
23/A, M M Ali Road, Golpahar Moor
Mehdibag, Chittagong.
Cell: 01914 001210

Categories: Bangladesh
Tags: uhlbd.com
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