ctoro.cancilleria.gov.ar Apply Businessman Visa for Argentina : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Facility : Businessman Visa
Country : Canada

Website : http://ctoro.cancilleria.gov.ar/en
Details Here : https://ctoro.cancilleria.gob.ar/

Apply Businessman Visa :

Passport holders of these Countries do not need a business visa.

Related : Citizenship and Immigration Apply online for a Visa,Study or Work Permit Canada : www.statusin.org/23495.html

Holders of Canadian Passport traveling to Argentina for business purposes (investments, market research, participation in Trade Fair and Exhibition), do not require a visa but must pay the Reciprocity Fee before their departure.

For other activities, please send an e-mail to consular_ctoro [AT] mrecic.gov.ar

However, if the applicant is going to Argentina to perform a specialized task that normally requires technical skills (i.e. musicians, sportsmen, artists, ship/cruise members; installation/repair of special IT equipment/machinery, accountant, etc), or any other technical job, regardless of the fact that the applicant might or might not get paid in Argentina for the services rendered, do need to apply for a technical visa .

This visa is valid for up to 60 days and can be renewed in Argentina at Migration Authorities for only a similar length of time, prior to the expiration of the current visa.

In the case of requests of visas for foreigners made by officers of national, provincial or municipal public government or bodies of Argentina, they should present a note to the “Dirección General de Asuntos Consulares” (see contact details below) or at the “Dirección Nacional de Migraciones”.

Any of these two public bodies must submit instructions to this Consulate General in order to issue the corresponding visas.

Requirements :
1. Valid passport with an expiration date not less than 6 months.
2. Travel itinerary (rounded trip).
3. Proof of legal status in Canada (if not Canadian).

4. Visa application Form : English speaking Applicants must submit the Form by following the instructions in English (See Form and Instructions), completed in full and signed in original by applicant.

5. One (1) prepaid envelope or courier slip for returning the application upon our intervention. We recommend you write down the number of the tracking number of the envelope you are enclosing to us.

6. One picture size 4×4.
7. Proof of sufficient funds, copy of a credit card and bank statement.

8. Letter of invitation from the host organization or business in Argentina (please see requirements at the following link) inviting the applicant and confirming the purpose of your trip, duration of the visit, full name, addresses and telephone numbers of all businesses and persons you will contact in Argentina.

The letter must be written in Spanish, on organization/company letter-head paper and duly signed by the person in charge and certified by an Argentine Notary Public.

Important : The signature of the authority of the company or inviting organization in Argentina must be registered at the “Registro Nacional Unico de Requirentes de Extranjeros”, of the “Direccion Nacional de Migraciones” (Immigration Authority), according to the provisionS of the “Diposición DNM 54.618/2008”.

The company or agency inviting foreign citizens to Argentina, in the invitation should indicate the registration number of the company or agency in the RENURE or the card number of the legal representative, in order to see if enabled or not by RENURE.

Companies or organizations in Argentina that are not registered at the RENURE must contact the RENURE at the following contact phone : +54-11- 4317-0200/0303/0263.

If the applicant is going to a Trade Fair or exhibition, he must accredit the inscription on the fair or exhibition to which is going to attend.

9. Original Corporate/organization letter from Canada, in english and spanish, addressed to the Consul General of Argentina. Business Letter Format suggested.

This document must be certified by a Notary Public registered at this Consulate General. If you own the business, please add a copy of your business’ official registration.

10. Money Order or Certified Cheque payable to “Consulate General of Argentina”. Please check the consular fees. (Passport holders of Morocco are exempted from this fee, for visas up to 90 days).

Procedure :
1. Applications will be processed and returned in 5 working days, as from the date of the arrival via the prepaid envelope mentioned above.

Rush process visas are issued within 2 working days and are subject to the rush process fee, per each visa. Check the consular fees for rush process.

2. Check the status of your application to Canada Post or the Courier chosen, upon our intervention with the tracking number already mentioned. For contacting Canada Post, click here.

3. If the applicant has not accompanied a prepaid envelope or courier slip, he/she will have either to send a prepaid envelope/courier slip to us or come personally to our Office to pick up the passports/document/s.

Note : This General Consulate does not take responsibility for delays or losses in the mail or courier.

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