nts.org.pk Graduate Assessment Test GAT 2015-V Subject Pakistan : National Testing Service

Organization : National Testing Service
Service Name : Graduate Assessment Test GAT 2015-V Subject
Applicable Country: Pakistan
Application Deadline : Monday, 26 – October, 2015
Test Date : Sunday, 15 – November, 2015

Website : https://www.nts.org.pk/
Apply Here : http://datacell.nts.org.pk/applypost.aspx?id=3

Graduate Assessment Test (GAT 2015-V) GAT Subject:
The Graduate Assessment Test GAT-SUBJECT is for Ph.D programs. The same test may be used for recruitment of graduates. Subject test helps to evaluate, analyze, solve problems, understand relationships and interpret material in a specific area of study.

The test result will remain valid for “TWO YEARS” for admissions.

Candidates with a minimum of eighteen (18) years of education are eligible to appear in the test:
** Candidate intending to improve their previous GAT score can also apply.
** The candidates will have to qualify other specified criteria of the universities.

** Mobile phones are not allowed in test center premises.
** The GAT test validity (GAT – General / Subject) for TWO YEARS will be effective from 1st January 2007 onwards.

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How to Register ?:
The candidate is required to register for appearing in the test as scheduled by NTS.

The registration process is given below:
** Register (one time only) to NTS online Registration Portal Datacell.nts.org.pk
** Upload a recent photograph in NTS online Registration Portal.
** Apply for latest GAT Subject in the list of projects announced in NTS online Registration Portal.
** Download GAT subject bank deposit slip NTS online Registration Portal Datacell.nts.org.pk (Bank deposit slip is available on NTS online Registration Portal only)
** Deposit Rs. 1500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred Only) for GAT – Subject Test through online bank deposit slip in the online branches of MCB, UBL, HBL or ABL. (See bank service charges on deposit slip)
** Enter bank deposit information into NTS online Registration Portal to further proceed your application.

** All candidates are required to provide their photographs with full face exposure.
** Do not send any documents other than original bank deposit slip.

How to Fill the Registration Form ?:
** If you are a new user, signup /Register for NTS online Registration Portal. (Datacell.nts.org.pk)(One time only).
** Once you are registered, login to (Datacell.nts.org.pk) and fill your personal information , academic information, employment information (if any).
** Roll number slips and result cards wil be sent through courier service. Give valid and clear address where delivery is certain. Candidates must fill the “postal address”, “postal city” and “postal city district” in their personal information to receive the test roll Number slip and result card.
** In academic record portion, write down your major subjects and percentage of secured marks in two digits only. In academic record column “Board / University” (please write only particular board name in abbreviation (e.g. FBISE Islamabad, BISE Rawalpindi, BISE Gujranwala, BISE Abbottabad etc.
** Select desired project to apply. (I.e. GAT subject)
** Select your test city for desired test center choice. (Primary test city and secondary test city)
** Incomplete or improperly filled registration details will not be processed.
** Please stay interactive with our website for eligible candidates list, test venue and all related information:www.nts.org.pk

** The candidates will be required to apply for admission in the universities as per their respective announcements along with a copy of the NTS result card.
** Provisional eligible candidates list will be displayed on our website on first come first served basis of the registration Form (within one week of the receipt of registration form). Queries regarding provisional data will be accepted within 4 days only.
** Final eligible candidate list will be uploaded 2 days after last date of provisional list. Roll number and test center will be allotted in final eligible candidate list.
** The roll number slips will be dispatched by NTS about 10 days prior to the test date.
** NTS will dispatch the result cards within 7 days after the test date

Categories: Pakistan
Tags: nts.org.pk
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