rdw.nl : Applying For New Driving Licence After Loss/ Theft Netherlands

Organization : RDW Netherlands
Type of Facility : Applying For New Driving Licence After Loss/ Theft
Country: Netherlands

Website : https://www.rdw.nl/particulier

Applying For New Driving Licence After Loss/ Theft:

Depending on where you live and where you lost your driving licence, there are rules for obtaining a new driving licence.

Related : RDW Netherlands Recalling Vehicles & Vehicle Parts : www.statusin.org/10502.html

You live in the Netherlands:
If you live in the Netherlands and have the nationality of a country in the EU or EFTA, you can apply for a new driving licence in the municipality where you are registered.

If it concerns loss or theft you must supply an official report of the loss/theft of the driving licence with the application.

This also applies if you lost your driving licence abroad. This official report must be drawn up by an official of the Dutch police. You must also take one colour passport photo and a valid passport or other valid proof of identity with you.

The municipality will then process your application. If the application is approved, you will receive a new driving licence for the normal period of validity.You can contact your municipality to inform if you can fill in a statement at your own municipality.

You lost your foreign driving licence? :
If you have lost your driving licence from an EU or the EFTA member state, Aruba or the former Netherlands Antilles you need to supply the official police report and an official statement by the issuing authorities.

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You must also take one colour passport photo and a valid passport or other valid proof of identity with you. The municipality will then process your application. If the application is approved, you will receive a new driving licence for the normal period of validity.

If you have lost a foreign driving licence from another country than an EU or the EFTA member state, Aruba or the former Netherlands Antilles you can not apply for a Dutch driving licence. You will have to apply for a new licence in the issuing country.

You live in an EU/EFTA country:
If you live in a country that is a member of the EU or the EFTA and your Dutch driving licence is lost or stolen, then you will have to apply for a (national) driving licence in your country of residence.

You live outside the EU/EFTA:
If you are not registered in the Netherlands and you live outside the EU or the EFTA, then you can obtain a new Dutch driving licence at RDW. In that case, instead of your driving licence, you will have to enclose the form ‘Declaration of Loss’ (‘Verklaring van vermissing’) with your application (completed and signed).

Currently the declaration is only available in Dutch. You can apply for the application form for a driving licence by e-mail from RDW. You can download the ‘Declaration of Loss of Driving Licence’ here

Downloading the ‘Declaration of Loss of Driving Licence’:
Below you can download the ‘Declaration of Loss of Driving Licence’ (‘Verklaring vermissing rijbewijs’). Currently the declaration is only available in Dutch.

After downloading you can print the completed form by:
** using the print icon in the task bar
** choosing the print option under file options
** the key combination Ctrl+P

Send the completed and signed declaration, together with the application form, to the address below:
RDW, Unit Rijbewijzen
Postbus 9000
9640 HA Veendam
The Netherlands

Only fill in the questions in the declaration that apply to you.

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